Saturday, November 22, 2008

Razak Egoh's Wedding Cupcakes

I made these cupcakes for Tan Sri Hamid Egoh's son's wedding. These were only the samples (in the proposal stage). Alhamdullillah, the groom's mum picked 5 of the designs. The cupcakes were individually packed in a box and PVC container just like in the pictures (for the wedding!).


vock said...

I would like to ask about cupcakes, for valentines day-- since my bf is in KING FISHER-- student in UMS while i'm in kl, I WOULD LIKE TO GET HIM CUPCAKES FOR VALENTINES AS A SURPRISE-- how much is ur charges for the cupcakeS? what is the minimum order? could trasnportation provided? if yes, how much will be charged? thanks

do email me -- thanks

Anamika:The Sugarcrafter said...

Hi Resepi Ibu
Nice cakes !